Results of the 2020 FRB Field Trials
We had several variety winners this year!
- A number of top winners were broadly adapted to more than 8 unique environments across the US
- Many of our new genetics were highly tolerant of late season budrot in western Oregon
- One trial partner reported that our field trial varieties were better than the competition
- Pinnacle Pine clone
- One of the most grower preferred for terpenes and a lasting smell after harvest
- Valerie 16 clone
- Expressed vigor across multiple diverse regions and environments
- Very resistant to 2020 late season budrot in Oregon
- Expressed late season cold tolerance
- Trifecta seed
- Enticing terpene complex
- Steady, consistent flower progression
- Handled environmental stress very well
- Highly vigorous and uniform, finishes well
- Southern Spice clone
- One of top performers – performed well across state regions and environments
- A late maturity variety similar to Abigail – good for central through southern US and coastal northern environments
- Abigail clone
- 2nd year of testing, confirmed as excellent, super late maturity variety for southern US
- Accumulates a large amount of biomass to satisfy high yield extraction at harvest
- Performed well in environments with high humidity and heat
- Survived two hurricanes in Alabama and Virginia and still thrived at harvest